Hong Kong, and places like Lai Chi Kok in particular, can make it difficult to fit a rectangular peg into an oval hole. There is a limited amount of space, and it can feel like a dance to try and fit in a lifetime’s worth memories, seasonal clothes, and possibly even two bicycles, into an apartment the size of a matchbox. Li Zhi Jiao Min Ni Cang will save apartment dwellers from cramped living conditions – important link!
The storage units act as a sort of secret garden for all those things that are too big to be displayed in a small flat. The frustration of living in a small apartment or studio can make you feel as if you’re crammed like sardines in a tin. If you’re close to everything, such as your bed, your refrigerator, or your stamp collection, it can be easy to trip over each other. By acting as an extension of your closet, mini storage provides a welcome respite. You only have 500 feet? No problem. These units magically expand your square footage by doubling as your attic, basement or garage.
Mini storages aren’t only for storing things. These mini storage facilities are protectors of memories, and they hold dreams. Kim, my friend, was inspired by Marie Kondo to downsize her home from three bedrooms. Kim couldn’t give up practical things like her vintage Kimono Collection or her daughter’s first hand painting. Kim felt lighter after putting her treasured items in mini storage.
On a more practical level, changing weather demands seasonal changes in clothing. The seasons in the city are so varied that a chameleon could be pushed to its limits. Summers can be hot and humid, while winters can be crisp and cold. It’s not ideal to stuff snow jackets or vacation swimsuits into every crevice of your home.