Craigslist poster pick: The unseen art of your next big sale

You can multiply your chances to attract buyers by tenfold with the right craigslist advertisement. You might be asking yourself “How difficult can that be?” Picking the wrong ingredients is just as important as baking the perfect dessert – read here?

If it is auto people, say it with the lingo they understand-appropriate mileage, horsepowers, or whatever modding one does on his vehicle. You can also make quirky jokes, if you are in the mood. You can use a “sold as-seen”, if you want to be cheeky. However, please refrain from making a sales pitch. You should talk to them like it’s a casual conversation over coffee and not as though you are delivering an elevator pitch.

Photos: crisp, clear, compelling. Nobody wants to look at the shadowy outline that looks like a sofa in a medieval prison. A clean background and good lighting will make the ordinary item look extraordinary. Unmatched socks are more likely to send buyers away than a coat with cat hair.

Reader, the price is just a numerical value. It is actually the number. Do some research instead of just relying solely on your gut feeling. Find out what other sites are charging for similar items. To create the win-win scenario, round your price up to allow room for negotiation. It will still be an amazing deal for any buyers knocking at your virtual door. Then, the heart of the article: a headline that grabs attention. The headline “Vintage floral chair looking for a home” is much more appealing than “Chair for Sale.” Text that is funny, alluring, and honest will make it more effective. Never promise anything when selling cheese. Buyers will catch on to exaggerations faster than a bugle before dawn.

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